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1979 Welschriesling
Goede wijn, kan nog jaren rijpen
This wine has an intense golden, almost amber colour with a slight greenish tint. It was produced from grapes with noble rot. The aroma offers sensations of dried fruits, spices, almonds and blossom. The taste is sweet, with mature acidity, hints of dried figs, apricots and spices. The aftertaste is medium-long and offers prunes and figs (with hints of spices and a slight spiciness).

Kleur: An intense golden, almost amber colour with a slight greenish hue.
Aroma: An aroma of mature grapes, dried fruits (figs, apricots), botrytis, almonds, spices, blossom and honey.
Geur: A sweet taste with mature acidity, mature grapes, dried figs and apricots and spices. Slightly oily and slightly spicy.
Verwachte levensduur: 15-20 years € 72,95
Prijs exc. BTW


Lokatie in de kelder box 70
Productcode 90ZHB01A1979
Inhoud fles 0.7
Type fles Renana standard
Type kurk MG 35-5
Alcohol (% vol) 10.72
Restsuiker g/L 18.8
Zuurgraad g/L 6.6
pH 3.44
SO2 vrij/total (mg/L) 46 / 207