Sauvignon Blanc
Nice wine, can be kept for a few years
This wine has a bright yellow colour with a greenish tint. On the nose, the notes of bottle age maturity and almonds are most prominent with a background scent of apples. The flavour is medium full with a slightly oily taste reminiscent of dried figs, apricots and spices. Mature acidity and residual sugar form a pleasant aftertaste.
Colour: A bright yellow colour with a greenish tint.
Aroma: It is slightly closed on the nose with characteristics of wine matured in the bottle, as well as notes of almonds, figs and apples.
Flavour: A slightly bitter, medium intense flavour with notes of dried fruit and spices with a residual sugar. It has an oily texture and, on the palate, one can experience a slight harshnessas well as the taste of mature acidity.
Life expectancy: 5 - 10 years € 26,95
Price ex. taxes